7 Real Mums and Their Best Mum Hacks Revealed
Get to know these amazing mums as they share with Bright Star Kids their best mum hacks that make mum life such a breeze. Because you can be a mum, be great at it, and look awesome, too!
1. Ashleigh, mum of 4

Ashleigh, a 29-year-old Content Creator from Queensland, Australia, is a proud mum to 4 beautiful Lebanese-Aboriginal babies named Zahli 8, Lamar 6, Tyriq 4, and Jakai 2.
Get to know more about Ashleigh on Instagram.
Her most-used mum hacks:
I always make the kids’ school lunches the night before. It’s a serious game-changer.
I always carry sunscreen, hand sanitiser, and baby wipes in the car, because you just never know when you will need them.
Home-made Play-Doh is where it’s at. No nasties, and it’s so quick and easy to make.
Breakfast for dinner. During the week, things can get a little chaotic, so sometimes, when I don’t feel like cooking, we will have bacon and eggs and the kids love it!
I always pre-chop up fruit and have it accessible to the kids in the fridge for when they want a quick snack.
Everything we have to do or attend is on a planner each week on the fridge.
We have a separate drawer for kids’ cutlery, so they can help with getting things ready for dinner.
We try and get the kids’ stuff ready the night before, so it’s all ready for them to get dressed in the mornings.
Sometimes, I wake up before everyone just so I can have a coffee in peace and get myself ready before everyone else gets up.
I always have frozen ice packs in case the kids hurt themselves.
2. Joey, mum of 4

Joey is a Sydney-based Content Creator who regularly posts about fun toy reviews and recommendations with her precious bubs.
Follow Joey and her lovely brood of 4 on Instagram.
Always prepare the night before.
Love using Bright Star Kids labels, so my children always remember which is theirs
Personalised Bright star kids school bag especially if they just started school easier for them to recognise their property
Get groceries delivered, no need to drag along 4 kids doing the groceries
I always keep a small bag with activities in the car for the little ones to keep them busy and no screaming during car rides
3. Erinn, mum of 1

I literally use my car as a baby bag. Everything I could possibly require is in my car! It saves you from carrying a huge bag around with everything in it. I just purchased a large plastic container and put it in the boot. All is set to go–everything from spare clothing to wipes.
For me, I vowed to never be a backpack mum, and to be honest, I never owned one. Then my son really wanted one with a truck on it and his name, of course! So we got the Bright Star kids backpack which is the perfect size for on the go. To this day, my son loves packing his own bag which he mostly fills with snacks and his toys. It’s a task that he loves to do all on his own.
To make Christmas shopping easier for all the little ones amongst family and my friends’ kids, I always start with a Bright Star kids personalised stocking and then I fill the stocking with all that child’s gifts! Makes it easy to know what you have for who and saves so much time and when gifting everyone looks the same!
I also learned pretty quickly to always get yourself ready but not dressed to leave the house till last, this saves you from all the breakfast spills and ensures you can at least start the day without toast marks down your shirt.
Label everything you own! That way you won’t lose anything. Well, hopefully not. Sometimes you just have so many things to remember, it’s hard to pack up all your belongings. At least if they are labelled, you have a pretty good chance of it returning to you!

Sprinkle a little baby powder over your children’s skin after a day at the beach. The powder stops the sand from sticking and you will no longer find sand all through the car.
Use Bright Star Kids easy to apply labels to all of your children’s daycare clothes and you will never lose them again.
When I have to go to work early in the morning, I dress my kids in their daycare clothes straight after their bath at night, then I don’t have to go through the stress of waking them to get them dressed in the morning.
To keep dolls’ hair knot-free, I add 1 part fabric softener to 2 parts water into a spray bottle. Spray on the dolls’ hair, comb through and allow to dry. My kids also love playing hairdressers and using this spray on their dolls.
The Bright Star Kids Jumbo Santa Sacks are a great way to put all of your child’s presents together ready for Christmas Morning. The added bonus is you can use it every year and you don’t have to wrap each and every present. Sustainable and a time saver!

5. Steph, mum of 2

Steph runs the Instagram social media account @TheVaraTribe that’s all about motherhood and interiors. She also loves supporting small businesses and sharing the products she loves most.
Find out more about Steph and her kids Anthony and Amelia on Instagram.
Here are some of Steph’s best mum hacks:
Make everything a game. Have you noticed how competitive kids and toddlers are? When you’re running late or are struggling to encourage your kids, make it fun and pretend it’s a game!
Invest in a large freezer, I personally love to cook and buy my meat in bulk. When the day has been crazy, I always have something in the freezer to cook or reheat.
We love to use a meal planner it just gives me peace of mind and takes the stress of thinking about what to cook every night. We love using the Meal Planner notepad from Bright Star Kids. The designs are customisable and it attaches easily to the fridge.
Don’t stop dating your partner! It’s so important to make time for your relationship. Once a week or at least once a month, go out to dinner or put the kids to bed early. Also, make it a rule not to talk about the kids.
Organisation is really important to me. Everything in my house has its own spot. Labels on the kids’ toys really help develop the children’s awareness of the relationship between words and objects. Bright Stars Kids labels are my go-to when I need to label anything. The quality is really great!
6. Kristie, mum of 2

I always prepare a bento box daily even if we have no plans. Children are the biggest snack munchers and are always wanting food. This also makes it super easy if we have last-minute plans to grab ‘n’ go.
Every week, when our food shop comes, we always pre-cut everything. It saves so much time throughout the week.
Once a month I will go through a toy cleanse and put it in the dishwasher for an easy but effective clean.
Baby wipes are life. It quite literally cleans our entire house.
Throughout the year I will collect Christmas gifts where I store in the Santa sack. It is then kept safe inside a
pillow slip, so the kiddies don’t find them.
7. Christina, mum of 2

Christina, who lives in Sydney’s beautiful inner west and works part-time in banking, runs the blog MadeForMadison and is a mum to 2 beautiful girls, Madison 8, and Macie 6.
Meal plan: Every Sunday, plan out your meals for the next 7 days. This is will help you stay sane, save money, and avoid take-out in the process. I started meal planning recently and it’s been amazing and has saved lots of money and time plus have been cooking a variety of dishes.
Family planner fridge magnet: Our family planner from Bright Star Kids has helped me stay on top of the whole family’s activities and appointments. Being on our fridge, the whole family can see it and add to it as we go! It’s been a lifesaver!!
Diffuser for calming: Every morning, put on a diffuser. Let the aromatic mist permeate through your home with essential oil to distribute relaxing scents or increase moisture levels to make any stale room feel livelier!
Quick tidy: Every night put on a clean-up song before bed (we use kids’ one) and get the kids to help tidy up. They get so excited hearing the song and find it fun! The whole family does it together while the song is playing and you would be surprised how much gets done in the short 3 min song with the whole family contribution.
Lunchtime: Personalise your kids’ lunchboxes! The kids used to come home with different lunch boxes and would often lose them till we started using Bright Star Kids personalised Bento boxes! I let the kids pick their font and design from their massive selection.
Got Mum Hacks To Share?
Post and tag us on Facebook and Instagram. Who knows? We might feature your amazing tips and hacks on our blog, too!
Want More Busy Mum Hacks?
Read about our Meal Planning Tips and Meal Prep Ideas. You’ll love our Clever Fridge Storage Hacks! And if you’re prepping for back-to-school season, you’ve got to check out our Back To School Hacks for busy parents.
Organising Your Kids’ Belongings?
You’ve got to label everything! Personalise your kids’ stuff with cute designs from our kids’ name labels range. We’ve also got backpacks, lunch bags, and drink bottles that you can personalise in coordinated designs! The best part? It’s made for you in Australia and shipped super fast! You’re going to love them!